William Bill Glassford


  1. Patricia (Cravens) Kiser on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    To the family and friends of Bill Glassford, I was so sorry to learn of his death. Words are simply inadequate at a time like this. Hopefully just knowing others are thinking of him and of you will be of some comfort. My sincerest sympathies,
    Pat (Cravens) Kiser

  2. Ronald Weinand on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Sorry to learn of Bill’s passing. I was a classmate of his from QHS 1963 and was Director of Pharmacy at the Illinois Veteran’s Home for several years and Bill was one of my patients at the home when he was at Fletcher Infirmary. Pleae accept my condolences.

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