Sally Eberhardt


  1. Carol & Bill Kammerer on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    We wish to send our condolences to the family. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all. Love, Carol & Bill .

  2. Dave Ferrill on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Jerry, Anita & family, I am so sorry I did not make it to the visitation. I was in ID for a few days and knew nothing of your mother’s passing until Sunday night. I know from you, Jerry, that your mother had to have been a very special angel indeed. She did a fantastic job of raising you and instilling some very remarkable traits. It is never easy losing a loved one, I don’t care how aged or infirm they are. Time does help ease the sorrow, but it is the memories of your wonderful mother that will sustain you……those memories and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I know you know that love very well…..I see you give it away all the time. My thoughts and prayers are with you always and during this difficult time. Dave

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