Ruth A. Dietrich


  1. Sister Janet J. Voss on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    My sympathy to you with the loss of your mother and sister and grandmother. She will not be forgotten but long remembered for the love she shared with others. My prayers will be with you and the family.

    Sister Janet J. Voss, CPPS

  2. Sister Janice Bader, CPPS on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Although I never had the privilege of meeting Ruth, I knew her sister, Viola Hinkamper, from her many years of service to our community in O’Fallon. Please be assured of my prayers for Ruth and for everyone who is grieving the loss of her earthly presence. May you experience God’s healing love in the days and weeks ahead.

  3. Sr. Marilyn Schneider on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    My prayers and sympathy are with you at the death of Ruth. Now she and Viola can have a great reunion in heaven. I may have met Ruth sometime at the Motherhouse in O’Fallon. We
    were so grateful to have Viola with us for most of her life. She was a gift to our community.
    Know that Ruth and all of your family will be in our prayers at this time of sorrow.

    Sr. Marilyn Schneider, CPPS

  4. Sister Geraldine Vogel, C.PP.S. on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    I have fond memories of your family visits to Viola Hinkamper when she lived at our Motherhouse. I remember Tommy and his help with Sr. Verana in the chicken house. i taught Sharon in school at St. Rose in second grade. Be Assured of my prayers for your family. Sister Geraldine

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