Ronald F. “Rocky” Tushaus


  1. Julie Martin on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Fran, just wanted to tell you how sorry I am over your loss. I know what you are going throurgh. Rocky was a special person to me. You and I know he is in a better place… I just hope him and his little buddy are having the time of thier lives right now.. Which I know them two they are. God bless you. Love always Julie

  2. Ken & Pat Hermann on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Fran & Family,
    So sorry to hear about Ronny. Please know our
    prayers and thoughts are with you all. May God
    be with you all. Take care

  3. Joan McMahill on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Marcia and your family. I read about Ronnie as we always called him on the web paper. I always liked your brother and He was such a nice person. I send my love and Blessings to you. He had a great garden and helped you so much. I know you will miss seeing him. I will too. Joan McMahill

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