Raymond L. Kite

Raymond L. Kite, age 65, of 2110 Rainbow Lane, died on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 in his home. He was born on February 6, 1945 in Luray, VA. He was a son of John F. and Mary Lee (Turner) Kite.

Raymond was currently employed by Knapheide Manufacturing Company.

Survivors include:
ONE SON: Raymond Kite, Jr. and his wife Laurie of San Antonio, TX;
GRANDSONS: Jarred & Jordan Kite of San Antonio, TX;
FRIEND: Sharon Johnson of Quincy

Cremation rites have been accorded. No services are planned at this time. The Duker & Haugh Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.


  1. Jeff R. Moran on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    As a nextdoor neighbor, I will really miss Raymond,as he was so kind and really enjoyed the backyard visits with us and our dog “Spunky”. He was so sad when we told him of “Spunky’s” death, as he thought so much of her and “Spunky” also loved to be around Raymond also. When we got our new puppy, Raymond asked if he could hold her and bring her over to see him as he was such a wonderful person with animals and he sure enjoyed the company of our new puppy too. He will be greatly missed and I wanted to share these good memories of Raymond with Sharon and Raymond’s son. We are so proud to have known him and wanted to give our condolences to the family and friends. Thank you, sincerely, Raymond’s back door neighbor, Jeff Moran.

  2. Debbie Williams on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Thanks Uncle Raymond for the visits, phone calls and presents to remember you by. Everyone in my family will always treasure them. It is comforting to know you are HOME for Christmas with God this year. Thanks Raymond Jr. for using another sight so we can say how much we love and miss Uncle Raymond.

  3. Raymond L. Kite, Jr on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Dad, I love and miss you!

  4. Beth Kite Walker on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    I am Raymond’s mother Mary Kite and the death of my son has more than sadden and hurt me more than anyone will ever know, i wish for my son to rest in peace… and know that no matter what i always loved him…

  5. Beth Kite Walker on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    I am Beth Kite Walker and Raymond is my brother, rest in peace brother and sorry i did not know you well, i thought of you alot….

  6. Bruce Anderson on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    My name is Bruce Anderson. I am the son of Raymond’s youngest sibling, Elizabeth. My prayers & thoughts go out to Mr. Kite’s family both near & far as it is a tragedy that he has passed so soon. I am 36 years old & I live in Miami, Fl for last 16 years. I had the pleasure of meeting Raymond when I was 12 back in 1985 when he came to town to visit his parents. My grandparents. John & Mary Kite. For the fwew days he was in town, my mother made sure that my brother & myself had an oppurtunity to get to know him & talk with him for all we had ever knew of him was great stories that my mom would tell of him. I never saw Raymond again however I have always felt a connection to him in the sense that I too left Richmond at a young age to travel & live abroad. Such as Raymond did from what I was told. God Bless Raymond & bless his family again both near & far for he is & will be missed by many. Even those who didn’t know him at all. Bruce Anderson (954)512-8943

  7. Ruth Kite Dodson on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Raymond was my older brother. I just learned of his passing. My condolences go out to his children, grandchildren, and friends. Raymond was loved by my husband, our children, and myself. We treasured the times we had with him, and we’ll cherish these memories always. ~ Ruth Kite Dodson, Richmond, VA

  8. Ruth Kite Dodson on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Raymond was my older brother. I just learned of his passing. My condolences go out to his children, grandchildren, and friends. Raymond was loved by my husband, our children, and myself. We treasured the times we had with him, and we’ll cherish these memories always. ~ Ruth Kite Dodson, Richmond, VA

  9. john king on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Raymond , was a good neighbor, and was good to our dogs spunky and minny. John King

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