Patricia Grant


  1. Anthony Troesser on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Oh Grant Family, I am so sorry for your loss, She was a special Lady I felt I could talk to her about anything , She was like a Mother figure to me. Dad told me about the loss he said she never had a bad word to say about me one of her renters for yrs. I am deeply saddened.

  2. Paul K. Geers on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Dear Grant Family,

    It has many years since I last saw you all and went to school with most of you at St. Rose school. God bless your dear mother soul, and if you get a chance, please come over to St. Rose church since it has been reopened, it is the most beautiful church now in Quincy. Masses 8am 11am Sunday and daily mass 12:10pm
    I will have a mass said for your mothers soul at St. Rose.

    My best,
    Paul K. Geers
    1968 class

  3. JOAN LARSON on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Ron..I never knew Pat real well, but, I am sorry for your loss…I believe I am speaking for A.C. also.

  4. ed & phyllis slater on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    You have our deepest sympathy and we are so very sorry. You are in our prayers may god bless

  5. Verla McDonald on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    To the Grant Family, there are no words that I could write to tell you how sorry I am or to make any of you feel less sadness. You have lost a wife, mother, grandmother and I have lost a friend. Please know I am there in my heart.
    With much sadness,
    Verla, Butch & Matthew

  6. Mike & Cindy Hill on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    We pray that the Lord will lay peace and comfort in the souls of each of the family members of Pat Grant. What a great lady, super Mom…..excellent wife and best friend. We will miss Pat but she will never be forgotten. We should all celebrate her life and joy that she gave to the each of us.

    Cindy & Mike Hill
    Little Rock, AR

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