Mildred A. Stegeman


  1. Mary MacBain on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Kay, My heart goes out to you on the loss of your Mom. The years have passed us by, but I haven’t forgotten all the wonderful times we had at Spring Lake, St Francis, and Notre Dame, your Mom always being a huge part of our activities. Bless you and your family, Mary

  2. Jill Orr on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Dear Kay,

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. You and your family, as well as your mom, will be in my prayers today at mass and in the coming days and weeks. Hope to see you soon.

    Love, Jill

  3. Cinda Awerkamp McClain on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Dear Kay and all,

    I am so sorry to learn that your mother has passed away. Michael and I flew in from a vacation in Italy last night, and will return from Chicago to Quincy late on Saturday. I so much would have liked to attend Millie’s funeral and visited with all of you.

    I have so many good memories of time spent with all of you at the house on Vermont. Let’s play “Oh Hell”! God bless all of you. I know you were devoted children…


  4. Linda and Duane Ward on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Carol, John, Kay, Jim and Sherri

    We are so sorry for your loss. What a grand person Millie was. Through Carol, we’ve become like family. We have so many happy memories over the 45 years we’ve known Millie and Bud. I’m sure she and Bud are so happy to be together again, ready to play cards. We are so lucky to have had a great visit with Millie this past May.

    Linda and Duane

  5. Pat & Wes Brockway on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    Carol, John, Kay, Jim, Sherri,

    Our deepest condolences on your loss this week. We were so priviledged to be able to visit with Millie this Spring. Through Carol we have felt a connection to your wonderful family for the last 45 years. Millie, Bud, and all of you, are in our thoughts and prayers. I have, based on personal experience, also warned St. Peter not to count the cards in Millie’s decks — she always plays with a full deck!!!

    Love to all,
    Pat & Wes Brockway

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