Mariam Juanita “Polly” Roberts


  1. Wanda on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    I really miss you mom. Its hard to beleive its almost been a year. Irelly miss being able to call you. I know you are with your parents and Sue and John Angel & Todd.Iwished i could see you and talk to you ,so this is the next best thing.Love Wanda Mae.

  2. Wanda Mae on April 30, 2023 at 6:08 pm

    It’s been 14 yrs now still hurts as if it was yesterday. A lot has happened since you been gone but we all keep you alive in us. Till we see you again I love and miss you so much still and always will. Give my sons both a hug and vise a versa to you all,

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