Margaret E. “Peggy” Steinkamp


  1. Beth from Bob Evans on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Dear Jerry and Deb, I am so sorry for your loss. May God comfort you as only He can at this time. I send you both warm hugs, Beth

  2. Brenda & David DeVore on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Grandma….what an amazing person. I married into this family and Peg became my grandma!!! How blessed I felt the moment I met her. She was such a compassionate, loving, generous, considedrate person. I knew I had found one special grandma!! Her cooking…oh boy her cooking was sure to put some pounds on, but way worth it!!! Everything was always so delicious!!! My chldren Skylar and Brooklynn only had a short time with her, but also felt and fell in love. My 4yr old is still talking about her and the memories we have created. I will forever keep her in our hearts and in our prayers. She will greatly be missed!!! The tears roll so easy when I think of her…Her hugs were infectious!! I miss you so much already grandma!!!! We love you always…David, Brendalynn, Skylar and Brooklynn

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