Kimberly Ann Zanger


  1. Sue Martin on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with the family

  2. Pam Harmon on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    What a great gal! I’ve known Kim for 25 years and she will truly be missed. My thoughts are with you.

  3. Jennifer on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    I am so very sorry for the passing of Kim. I am confident she is with the love of her life, my cousin Jim.

    My thoughts are with Kim, Jim and their families during this emotional time.

    Much Love,

    Jennifer Nobis

  4. Steve & Neva Nelson on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Kim’s Family,

    We were stunned to hear of Kim’s passing this morning. We seen all the cars at her home the last couple of days, but had no idea she was close to dying. We had just brought a meal to her on the 26th and had planned to bring another this weekend. She was in good spirits on the 26th and was excited about her trip to Las Vegas the next day.

    Please accept our deepest sympathy and our most sincere condolences. Kim and Jim will be in our thoughts and prayers.

    Kim’s Neighbors,

    Steve & Neva Nelson
    710 N 2750th Place
    Ursa, IL 62376

  5. Carole Nobis on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Dear Family,
    I am so sorry for the loss of your mother, daughter and all others.
    Sending love and hugs and prayers to everyone.
    With love. Aunt Carole

  6. PEGGY HOMAN on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    I wish to express my deepest sympathy to all of Kim’s family. She was a great friend as well as taking me through a medical surgery on my back. We spent a lot of time together & I loved & will certainly miss her lots.
    Memories are a gift from God, death can not destroy.

  7. JULIE KINDHART on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Now maybe she can find peace in being with her Husband, what a tragic time for her family, I hope you can also find peace. My prayer’s are with you.

  8. Linda Davis on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    i’m so sad to hear Kim has left usso soon. I know that Jim was there to meet her on the other side and that we all will be togeather in a matter of time.
    I met Kim for the 1st time when she and Jim came to California to visit. They along with mary & John stayed with me for the weekend. I loved her as soon as I met her! she was beautiful in & out.
    We had fun telling stories and BQing in my backyard. My love and prayers to her family who she spoke of with such pride and love.
    Linda Davis

  9. Linda Davis on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    i’m so sad to hear Kim has left usso soon. I know that Jim was there to meet her on the other side and that we all will be togeather in a matter of time.
    I met Kim for the 1st time when she and Jim came to California to visit. They along with mary & John stayed with me for the weekend. I loved her as soon as I met her! she was beautiful in & out.
    We had fun telling stories and BQing in my backyard. My love and prayers to her family who she spoke of with such pride and love.
    Linda Davis

  10. Ron & Patt Graeser on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Josh, we’re so very sorry for your loss. We didn’t know your Mother very well, but we knew she was a very special lady. Your wonderful memories will keep her close to you. Put your faith in the Lord and He will bring you through.

  11. Jennifer Hilgenbrinck on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    I work at Quincy Medical Group in Records, our thoughts and prayers go out to your family. We have been praying for Kim since her illness and accident. You have my deepest Sympathy and prayers.

    Jennifer and Dale Hilgenbrinck

  12. Diana Curtis on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Our hearts are filled with sorrow. These two wonderful people were taken to young (Jim and Kim). We will miss them very much. Love Bret, Diana, Kayla and Sam (Jim’s sister and family)

  13. Stacy, Bobby, Morgan, and Ryan on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    The lives that Kim has touched has been magical. I am so thankful and blessed to have had her in my life. I am thankful for the love that she gave to dad. I have never seen him as happy as he was with all the days he had with her. You are all in our thoughts and prayers and we send you all of our love. We love you guys.
    Stacy, Bobby, Morgan, and Ryan

  14. Diana Hays on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    I am so sorry for your loss. Kim will be greatly missed by all that knew and loved her. I am grateful that I had the chance to know her

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