Kathleen Peters Druffel


  1. Raina Tappe on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    We are thinking of you at this time of sorrow. Katie will truly be missed but will now be with Rich and Judy. I’m sure you know we will be here if you need anything. God bless your family. The Tappes–Ted, Raina, Alyson & Austin

  2. Bob Schaffer on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    I grew up just down the street at 826 Adams. I came to know James in our early adult years as a fellow runner. I extend my deepest sympathy to your family in this loss. Your Mom, as well as your Dad, was a wonderful person. I am glad to know she is in His loving hands. Sincerely, Bob Schaffer

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