Donald Russell Tolls


  1. Clara Tolls-Burton on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    I’m unable to be there for my Cousin Donald’s Homegoing, but my love & heart are there in spirit. My love to all of you, my family.

    To my Beloved Cousin, Donald Tolls…I am devastated about your passing. Still can’t believe it. I will forever have memories of our frequent long-distance phone chats over many, many years. We would catch up on what was happening and news about our family. Sometimes we’d phone each other just to say “hi, how are you doing”. I will miss this so very, very much. When I’d come down there to visit, we’d joke, converse, drive around town, visit other family members, go out to eat, and it would be like it hadn’t been a long time since we’d last seen each other. I’m still having a hard time with this, Donald. You should still be here. I know for everyone, we’re just put here for a time. But, I thank God that you were, and are, my cousin, and that He let me ‘borrow’ you during life’s journey. Give my love to our family in Heaven. We’re all so lucky we have them and now, YOU, as another family angel to watch over us. Give a big hug to my Daddy (Amos Tolls) your Uncle Bud. So, until we meet again, I will hold you in my heart. My dear Cousin, rest in eternal piece.

    Love you always, Clara (or the “kid”).

  2. Clara Tolls-Burton on November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    I hope this message gets to the right person. Please print for reading at memorial service.

    As I am unable to travel the distance to be there, I’d like my condolence to be read at my Beloved Cousin’s, Donald Tolls, memorial service. I am there in love, heart & spirit.

    I am devastated about your passing. Still can’t believe it. I will forever have memories of our frequent long-distance phone chats over many, many years. We would catch up on what was happening and news about our family. Sometimes we’d phone each other just to say “hi, how are you doing”. I will miss this so very, very much. When I’d come down there to visit, we’d joke, converse, drive around town (which you loved to do), visit other family members (which you also loved to do), go out to eat, and it would be like it hadn’t been a long time since we’d last seen each other.

    I’m still having a hard time with this, Donald. You should still be here. I know for everyone, we’re just put here for a time. But, I thank God that you were, and are, my cousin, and that He let me ‘borrow’ you during life’s journey. Give my love to our family in Heaven. We’re all so lucky we have them and now, YOU, as another family angel to watch over us. Give a big hug to my Daddy (Amos Tolls) your Uncle Bud. So, until we meet again, I will hold you in my heart. My dear Cousin, rest in eternal piece.

    Love you always, your cousin,
    Clara Tolls-Burton (or the “kid”).

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