Donald C. Schulte


  1. Laura Knowles on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    My prayers are with you as you walk through these days. It is a blessing to know Mr. Schulte is skipping along in heaven now. I asked my parents to go meet him. . . he sounds like a wonderful person to know!

  2. Mark & Karen Wiewel on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    I was very sad to hear that Don passed away. I really enjoyed talking to him at the Illinois Veterans Home when our Boy Scouts from Troop 5, St. Peter’s pushed him in his wheel chair to Sunday Mass. Our daughter Stephanie is best friends with Don’s grandaughter Olivia Schulte. We will keep your family in prayer.

    With deepest sympathy,

    Mark A. Wiewel

  3. Pat Lehr on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    My heart and prayers are with the whole Schulte Clan. I so fondly remember serving on many T.E.C. retreats with Don & Rita in the 1970s & 1980s… then having the privilege of meeting and falling in love with Damian & Bebe and family in Kirksville! Our paths have crossed in many ways over the years… and I want you to remember that your Dad was more proud of you than he sometimes let you know face to face. I saw his chest swell with pride, eyes glisten with tears, and heard his voice catch in his throat when he bragged about his children… even though he couldn’t control everything in their lives or make it easier or take away their pain. I will always remember Don’s hearty laugh and deep bear hug. May you be comforted by the good memories. Love & Prayers, “Rusty” Pat Lehr

  4. Therese and Deacon Dave Ream, S.F.O. on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Dear Damien, Bebe and members of the Schulte family,

    May the Lord give you His peace!

    Please know that our thoughts and prayers as well as those of Mary Immaculate Parish in Kirksville are with you during this time of mourning. May he rest in peace and live forever in the presence of the Lord!

    In God’s eternal love,

    Therese and Deacon Dave

  5. Summer Daniels on November 16, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    I have some great memories from when we visited Uncle Don and Aunt Rita as a child. I am very sad to hear of Uncle Don’s passing and hope that he is at peace.
    Summer (Milly’s granddaughter)

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