Donald C. Hardin


  1. Rev. Wanda and Robert Seydel on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Our sympathy and prayers for you. Don was a good friend, a good worker, and an important part of Salem Church. We shall miss him and miss lunches at Dee’s Diner with him. We know with certain faith that Jesus was resurrected to provide new life for him. Jesus went to prepare a place for him eternally.
    Rev. Wanda and Robert Seydel

  2. Rev. Steve Schuette on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    My sympathy to the family and friends of Don. I remember Don as a great worker and asset to the Church, willing to assist (sometimes even when he shouldn’t, as when lifting). He was always ready with a joke or a smile too, gently nudging at the punch line. And he was certainly a person who kept Christmas well. I am saddened to know of his loss.

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