Dolora Whitney


  1. Butch Cassidy on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Dear Sundance,
    Here I am, sitting feeling sorry for myself. I really hope you’re happy now leaving me all by my lonesome!

    Do you expect me to suddenly be a grown up? I’ll do the best I can, but don’t hold your breath!

    I am glad that you chose to have no services. Although I understand that people may wish to express their condolences, it’s a bit late for them to want to meet me, or for them to wish they’d known that you were ill.

    Perhaps there’s a lesson in here? Reach out to your loved ones before they leave this plane. Don’t wait for them to die to express your affection or air your regrets to those who remain.

    If anyone feels any remorse over anything, it won’t be me. I did right by you in the end….

    So Long Sundance! I hope that your journey without me was a good one!



  2. J Edwards on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    I happened upon this notice and my heart goes out to the family of Dolora Whitney. Though I do not know the family I wanted to convey my sympathy and share the hope from the bible that I look to at times such as these. Our heavenly Father Jehovah is a God of love and HE hates to see us in pain. This thought is supported at Reveltion 21:3,4 where it promises that HE will wipe away death and mourning forever. What a time of celebration whe we will be crying tears of joy instead of sorrow. I again am sorry for your loss. With sympathy, Jo Edwards

  3. Brad and Jane Phillips Family on November 16, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    Phil, Lora and families:

    I was very sad to hear that Dolora had passed, although it truly sounds like her final days were a struggle. Now she can look down and keep an eye on all of us. She will be missed by all who knew her.

    I still remember spending great times during the holidays at your house when we were little. I also remember the many times we went up on the river to do a little boating and when your Mom tried to teach me to ski. Dolora was always so generous to everyone, and funny in her own special way.

    Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your families! Let us know if we can help in any way!

    Love……….Brad, Jane, Matt, Greg

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