Bernadine M. Faulconer


  1. Gerry & Elaine Rathbun on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Our sincerest heartfelt sympathy to you & all your family, Terry. Please know that you in our prayers along with your sons & family as you mourn the loss of your beloved “Deanie”. She will be missed by all who knew her. She touched so many lives in her time here on this earth. Her endearing & joyous smile will especially be missed, she always knew how to make us all smile. May the Lord give you peace for I know she rests in HIS arms now.

  2. Gerry & Elaine Rathbun on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Our sincerest heartfelt sympathy to you & all your family, Terry. Please know that you in our prayers along with your sons & family as you mourn the loss of your beloved “Deanie”. She will be missed by all who knew her. She touched so many lives in her time here on this earth. Her endearing & joyous smile will especially be missed, she always knew how to make us all smile. May the Lord give you peace for I know she rests in HIS arms now.

  3. Kathy & Aeryn Mast on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Terry, AJ and Elliott,
    Aeryn & I want you to know that we love you all greatly and wish we could be there with you and for you. Bernadine will be missed on so many levels by so many people that I don’t think any of us will ever be able to express it. Just know that my Princess and I will always love your Princess and you! You are all in our prayers.

  4. Shelley Goings on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    This world has lost a great one!! Deanie well be dearly missed by everyone who had the honor of knowing her. Terry, A.J., and Elliot will remain in my prayers and thoughts and I know that a day will not go by without all three of you remembering how much she loved you.

  5. Nathan Shinkle on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Terry and family,

    I am very sorry for your loss. Please know we are praying for you in Knox County. I remember seeing the four of you at the restaurant in Durham last year and I remember the joy your wife displayed that night, and thought of what a great example that was for everyone.

    Terry, we’re praying for your family, especially you and your sons. I believe her body is now restored and she’s just begun an eternal praise of Jesus!

    -Nathan Shinkle
    (Missouri State Highway Patrol)

  6. Rosie Scott on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Rob & Linda and your family,

    In reading about your sister, you can be confident as she met our Savior at the pearly gates, He pulled her in His loving arms and said to her, “Job well done!” What an amazing sister and what an amazing example she was to her family and to others. You and your family are in my thoughts and my prayers. Love, Rosie, Caitlin, Zach, and Jimmy Scott

  7. Angela Althide & family on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    I feel for your family at this very emotional and difficult time. I pray that healing of your hearts will come with time and the wonderful memories will be with you forever. Take care –

  8. Cindy Norcross on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Bernadine was a special person and will be missed by all, I will always remember her smile. My thoughts and prayers are with Terry, Andrew, and Elliott.

  9. Bill Stalder on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time. Bernadine was truly a joy to know and will be missed by so many. Our deepest sympathy.

    Bill, Brenda, J.D, Meg, and Quinn Stalder

  10. Joyce Waggoner on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    A beautiful soul was born today.
    How lucky we are that she came our way.
    A beautiful smile and a loving heart.
    We all loved her right from the start.
    What a wonderful way she touched our lives.
    It is hard to say goodbye.
    With love we send her to her heavenly home.
    Weknow she will not be alone.
    She will rejoice there with the Father that has called her home.
    It is so hard to say goodbye.
    She would want us to smile and not cry.
    Her touch on our lives is not something that will die.
    We carry her in our hearts from this day on.
    Today, tomorrow, and forever on.
    God blessed us richly, Deanie, when he sent you to us.
    We know when the Lord is ready to call us home you will be there to rejoicing most of all.

    My love to all of you. I know this is one of the most difficult things in all your lives. She was love and goodness wrapped up in one. We will all miss her dearly. I wish I could be there. I have to be in this wheel chair until the first of November. Just know that I am there in thought and prayer. May God bless all of you with peace and abiding love.

    Love, Joyce and Don

  11. Sara (Neisen) Stahl on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    My husband, Tom, and I both went to high school with Bernadine. We thought she was a great, down-to-earth and big-hearted person. I had the pleasure of working with her on a few printing projects that she headed up for United State Bank. I know the pain of losing a loved one to cancer. My mother died of it a few years ago, so I know it’s tough and it hurts. But the good Lord knows best and has his plan for us all. So, to all Deanie’s surviviors, pray for guidance, pray for support, but most of all pray for peace within yourself to accept his plan for her. God bless you all!

  12. Donnie & Sharon Fifer on November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Bernadine was a lovely person. She will be sadly
    missed by everyone. She was truly a GIFT from GOD!

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