Andrew Kim

Andrew Dohyung Kim, age 39, of Quincy, IL died on Saturday, April 26, 2008
at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO. He was born on August 27, 1968
in Berea, OH, the son of professor Michael K. & Samyoung (Cho) Kim. Andrew
was a graduate of the Boston Archdiocesan Choir School with the
internationally known ‘Boston Boy Choir’, which sang in front of Pope John
Paul II on his first papal visit to the United States. Andrew was a
graduate of Malden Catholic High School with honors and was a member of
the National Honor Society. In 1986, Andrew was awarded the Youth
Leadership Award by Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston. He received his
bachelor of science degree in Music Education from the University of
Illinois. While at the school he received a leadership award for his
service to the school and student body. Also at the school he was a member
of the Varsity Men’s Glee Club and a member of the Concert Choir. He then
received a Masters in Science in Music Education from the University of

Andrew was a music teacher at Highland High School in Lewis County C1
District, Ewing, MO. Previous to this, he had taught in the Hannibal
School System, Quincy Notre Dame, Jefferson Middle School in Champaign, ILand in the Quincy Public Schools. Andrew was a member of St. Francis Catholic Church. He had been a member of the former St. John Catholic
Church. Andrew was the Director of the Mark Twain Chorale. He was also a
volunteer with the Mississippi Thespians Civil War Re-enactment group.

He is survived by:

His parents of Boston, MA>
1 Daughter: Emily Kim

1 Brother: Alexander Dojun Kim and his wife Sunny Ra of Mesa AZ

1 Sister: Susan K. Stevens and her husband Paul of Orlando, FL

Uncles: Mr. Silra Kim, Dr Pyung-Il Kim, Dr. Youngwon Cho; Professor Whewon

Aunts: Dr. Chung-Il Kim; Anastasia Joo-Il Lee; Young-im Cho; Chayoung Cho;
Okja Cho; Kyung-ok Cho and Myoung-ok Cho.

He was preceded in death by 1 uncle NakWun Cho and 1 aunt Dr. Kyu-Il Kim.

Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 9:30 in the
Duker & Haugh Funeral Home in Quincy and at 10:00 in St. Francis Catholic
Church in Quincy. Interment in Calvary Cemetery in Quincy. Visitation will
be held on Tuesday evening from 4-7 PM at the funeral home in Quincy. In
lieu of flowers, Memorials may be made to an Education Fund to be started
for his daughter Emily


  1. Phil ONeal on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Dear Family,

    Just wanted to put down on paper how I truly felt about your son Andrew. Simply put, he was the best friend I’ve ever had. He was always there for me, was non-judgmental when asked for his opinions and would call me just to say hello. While I’ve had many friends in my lifetime, he is the only one that I can say was there when I needed him. I just hope he felt the same about me.

    I do hope the great number of people from all age groups that attended his visitation showed you just how much his life touched so many others, and why, to him, Quincy was home.

    He will always have a home with me; in my heart. I think about the part in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption”, where Red, played by Morgan Freeman, talks about his friend Andy. He says at the end, “I guess I just miss my friend.” (you can watch the movie clip at the link below by cutting and pasting it into your web browser’s address bar)

    That I most certainly will; for the rest of my life.

    Take Care,

    Phil O’Neal
    Quincy, IL

  2. LaVonne and Matthew Bennett on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    So sorry for the loss of your loved one. Mr. Kim was Matthew’s music teacher at Highland. It is so sad to know that Matthew did not know him more on a personal level outside of being a teacher. Having read about his life and being a catholic what a honor to see that he had sang for Pope John Paul. Matthew laughs still to this day when he thinks about Mr. Kim saying Matt you out to lunch, Matthew would respond with I was out to lunch I had just got back. He had his class after his lunch period. I do believe this became a game for them. Again we are so sorry for the loss of this young man may your family heal with the help of god’s love and blessings.

  3. Emily Scherer on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    I was shocked to hear this. I was one of Mr. Kim’s students and QND. My condolences are with the family, and his daughter.

  4. Tyler Kruse on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Mr. Kim was one the coolest guys i had ever met, he is the best choir teacher ive ever had…i would here from other students that he bragged on me every class about how much talent i had as a tenor and that they should all look up to me as a role model..but i think it was him they shouldve looked up to. he was very mannered, civilized, and liked to joke around. i have never had this much confidence in myself until i had Mr. Kim as my choir teacher, he helped me get much better and build confidence about my voice, he led me to the conference choir and i was the dominant tenor thanks to him. this was the first year ive ever taken choir and he made it worth it. he was the closest friend that was a teacher and i am glad to have sang for him. i wish this hadnt have happened because i was so close to him.

  5. Marissa Reinberg on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    I am a student at Highland High School in Ewing, MO. When I heard about Mr. Kim passing away I didn’t believe it. I am so sorry for his little girl Emily. I send my love out to all of the family members. He was so young to lose his life so early. We will do all that we can to help the family out.

  6. Judy and E.H. on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    We are so sorry for you loss. My husband is an administrator at Highland High School and has been so concerned about Andy these past 2 weeks. He had shared his concerns with me. As we have children near the age of Andy we just don’t think that such a young vibrant person can be overcome. We are sending our sympathy and our prayers to your family.
    E.H. and Judy Smith
    18468 225th Street
    Lewistown Mo 63452

  7. Kay-Leigh Shierling on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Dear Emily,

    I’m sorry to hear about your dad.I’m going to miss him too,with him and his camera.I remember the time you invited me to your Birth-Day party.Or the time we were in third grade we went to Bonkers and he would always take our pictures!Do you remember the time we went swimming at Spring Lake and had the Jolly Rancher popsicles?That was such a good picture he took with us freezing in our towels!

    Sincerely Your Friend
    Kay-Leigh Shierling

  8. Josh Bone on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    My condolences to the family of Mr.Kim. I just wanted to say that Mr.Kim was the best Choir teacher i had ever had in my high school years. He was like a third parents because he was always telling us what we should do after high school. Telling us that we should fill out schlorships and makeing sure after high school we had health insuernce. He really truly care about us. He was someone you can go to and tell him stuff that you couldn’t tell any other teacher. One thing i liked about him was that he didn’t care what happen in the past. He cared about what happens in the future. Also he turned our choir around. We gotten better and Confidence to sing out more. His goal for us was to make us better choir and makes us confidence in ourslef to sing out. I thank god everyday for mr. kim. To you mr. kim and rest in peace

  9. Michelle Ebeling on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sorrowful time. I pray that knowing Mr. Kim is in heaven and with God eases your pain. He will be missed in the Lewis Co. district. Sincerely, Michelle Ebeling, Highland Elementary

  10. Les & Connie Fonza on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    We were so sorry to hear about Andrew. We worked with him in the Quincy Public School System. We will certainly miss him. We pray for the family and our hearts go out to his little girl. God Bless All of You.

  11. Tammi Perrone on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I am here if there is anything you need.

  12. Elizabeth Snell and Jennifer Uczen on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Dear Dr. and Mrs. Kim,

    We are so sorry for your loss.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Elizabeth Snell and Jennifer Uczen
    (M. Arch, Class of ’07)

  13. Tricia Hinton on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    I only just met Mr.Kim, as this is also my first year at Lewis County C-1. The few times our paths did cross, he seemed very passionate about his work and dedicated to the children he taught. I am sure the music community and our school community will not be the same. My deepest sympathy to his family and daughter. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Goodnight Mr. Kim.

  14. Mildred Becks on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Dear Emily, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I know you were very close and I know you will miss him very much.I will be thinking of you and keep you and your family in my prayers.My sympathies to you and your family. Mildred Becks(Hy-Vee cake decorator)

  15. Sarah Steinkamp on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. Sarah Steinkamp Pre-K teacher Highland Elementary

  16. Pam TenEyck on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    Deepest sympathies to the entire Kim family. I only met Mr. Kim briefly through our school but was left with such an impression in the way he spoke of his daughter. He certainly was a proud father. –Pam TenEyck

  17. Monica E. Fleer on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    When asked to sign Senior memory books, Mr. Kim would write a personal
    note and always ended with this phrase:

    When your heart is filled with music…
    Your soul has a voice to sing… Andrew Kim

  18. Jon Scott on November 16, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    I was deeply saddened to learn this evening of Andrew’s death, and I offer my heartfelt condolences to you, his family. I am truly sorry for your great loss. Andrew befriended me when we were students together at the U of I. His outgoing, friendly nature was always welcome and appreciated by all, and he made many, many friends. I like to think Andrew and I were close friends in college, and it saddens me that we had lost touch in the years since. Please accept my most humble and sincere condolences in what I’m sure is a very difficult time.

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